You know the commercial where Mother Nature shows up with a "gift" to ruin your plans? Happy Easter Monday, here's what happened to me:
The acupuncture clinic I work at was closed because the acupuncturist's kids were on spring break.
I overslept and missed an appointment. (Sleeping through an alarm that rings 180 minutes is probably a sign you shouldn't work anyway.)
I forgot (or rather, didn't notice) that LAVC's spring break goes through Easter Monday and hightailed it to school so I wouldn't miss the daily quiz. (No school = no class = no quiz = no need to be there)
Return to parking lot to find ENTIRE FRONT bumper hanging by 1 bolt.
Is this what's known as irony?
The kid who hit my PARKED car then had the audacity to say I "parked to close to" his truck.
I made the sheriff's and public safety officers laugh with the following:
"Excuse me? Uh, No. I saw you get out of your truck. We left our cars at the same time; I was walking right next to you.
I made a point of not hitting your car with my door when I got out.
You would have heard or felt it if I hit your truck.
You hit me. Not the other way around.
If I had parked that close, I would not have been able to get out of my car and (doing Vanna-style presentation of self) I AM NOT A SMALL PERSON."
see photo for proof
I've labeled this post "stress" and "TerribleHorribleNoGoodDay" because sometimes, that's just how it goes. We can't get up because we're sick (from illness, cycles, worry) and things don't work out how we plan.
I can cry and complain about a kid driving a truck that's too big (srsly? can't c honda sedan in daylight?) for him to make a left turn safely or that I shouldn't have scheduled an appointment on a day I thought I had a test or "OMG! Hondas are expensive to fix!" Instead, I am thankful I have an extra two days to study, my insurance (and more importantly, his insurance) will cover the repairs and the car rental while my car is in the shop, and ... at least I wasn't in the car.
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